Get to Know

SHR Fire Kissed's Sacred Fire (10/24/2021-)
Registration:AKC SS30181204
Breeder:Kim Schneider
Owner:Kaitlyn Ericksen
Hip clearance: OFA GR-144315G26F-C-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE26269/4F-VPI (2/22)
Heart clearance: OFA GR-ACA10360/28F-VPI
Elbow clearance: OFA GR-EL64076F26-C-VPI
Thyroid clearance: OFA GR-TH4992/27F-VPI
prcd-PRA status:Paw Print Clear
PRA1 status:Paw Print Clear
PRA2 status:Paw Print Clear
Ichthyosis status:Paw Print Clear
DM status:Paw Print Clear
NCL status:Clear Paw Print
About Entei
Entei is our upland girl. She is bird crazy and nothing gets her going more than birds in the field. She earned her started title through HRC in 2023 and has a pass towards her Junior title. We hope to title her in upland HRC and finish her JH through AKC. Entei will be starting dock diving in 2024. She is a fun loving, happy go lucky pup, that is turning into our sport dog. Overall she is a fantastic dog in the home, and has a great off switch. We look forward to continuing titling her in different venues and branching out in different sports with her in the coming years.